The journey of a new nurse, an amateur photographer, and a youth pastor’s wife.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Radical Experiment Day 1

I am excited to join my church in the Radical Experiment based on the book by David Platt. The Radical Experiment is a year-long journey that includes these five components:

Pray for the entire world.
Using a prayer guide, such as Operation World, pray for the entire world over the course of a year.

Read through the entire word.
Using a chronological Bible Reading plan, read through the entire Bible.

Commit your life to multiplying community.
Commit yourself wholeheartedly to the local church. But even deeper than that, commit yourself to a small group within your faith family that is intentionally sharing, showing, and teaching the Word while serving the world together.

Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose.
For the next year, take a close look at all of your expenses as individuals and families through the lens of specific need in the world. Work to set a cap on your lifestyle so that you can free up as much of your resources as possible for the sake of the glory of Christ in His church, among the lost, and among the poor.

Spend your time in another context.
As you give the majority of your time to making disciples in your community, commit, as individuals and families, to give 2% (one week) of your time in Gospel ministry outside of your community for the sake of God’s glory in all the world.

Today is Day 1.

Pray for the world :: Afghanistan ::
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Population: 29,117,489 Annual Growth: 3.51%
Capital: Kabul Largest Religion: M
Religion Pop % Ann Gr
Christians 14,559 0.05 14.6
Muslim 29,074,395 99.85

Read through the word:: Gen1-2, Matthew 1-2, Psalms 1, Proverbs 1

Friday, January 21, 2011

I know, I know, I'm a bad blogger. Sorry. A lot has been going on; we have been staying pretty busy around here.

Church: We continue to be amazed by what God is doing at our church. We love our North Ridge family, and I am so thankful that Brad is able to do what he loves full time!

Work: I love being a nurse! Some days are crazy. Some days are so crazy, I cry on the way home. Some days I feel like I am dealing with most selfish, ignorant, or stubborn patients in the world. Some days I can go in to one patient's room and they tell me that they hate our hospital, and they think I am being difficult or slow or complicated, and that I look too young to be a real nurse. Then I can go into the very next room and my patient will tell me they have gotten the best care, and that they feel loved at our hospital, and that I am the nicest nurse they've ever had. I just try to tell myself that I'll never make all my patients happy. But I can try. I can try to nicely explain [for the 9th time] that going out to smoke while your blood sugar is 37 is not a good idea. I can agree with your delusions to keep from arguing. I can try my best to hit your vein on the first time, I don't stick my patients with needles for the fun of it. I may forget to get your coffee with 7 sugars and 3 creams because I have 3 other patients asking for a mountain dew, peanut butter and crackers, Jello, a new pair of socks, and a calling card, and I have one patient having a heart attack and he trumps my waitress duties. I know you hate hospital food, but it is 4:15 and I haven't eaten lunch. At the end of the day, I just have to tell myself that I did everything I could and that I truly love helping people...and that I can never make everyone happy. One day, I'll be ok with that.

Diet: I was on a gluten free diet because of a possible diagnosis of celiac's disease. I went 6 months with out a touch of wheat! I wasn't seeing much of an improvement, and I had actually scheduled an appointment with new doctor to get some different opinions. At the same time I had stopped a medication I had been taking for a couple of years, and all of the sudden all my GI problems went away. It was the strangest thing, and it still doesn't make sense because I had been taken the med for a long time before I started having symptoms. ANYWAY, the important thing is I started eating gluten again it is going great. I don't think I will ever take wheat for granted again!