The journey of a new nurse, an amateur photographer, and a youth pastor’s wife.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oh my, my, my. I thought I was going to have a relaxing weekend/week, but I was wrong. My grandparents (who live in Knoxville) were in a car wreck on Thursday. My papaw broke his wrist and something in his neck. He spent a couple of days in the ICU, but is now on a stepdown unit. My dad, Rachel and I were able to go down there on Sunday after church. Both my mamaw and papaw are not happy about the fact that he will probably have to go to a rehab facility for a couple of weeks. They think that rehab = nursing home..and of course no one wants to go to a nursing home. We were hoping to convince them that this is the best [only] option, but there is no changing their mind! Anyway, while at the hospital yesterday my mamaw starting having chest I freaked out and took her down the the ER. All the test came back negative, so we think it is just the stress.

I am so thankful that I had several days off in a row (for the first time in months) and I was able to go down there with my dad. I was glad I was able to be there with them. I wasn't exactly happy with the care, but I guess I'm thankful for the experience of the 'family' aspect of floor nursing.

I have class tomorrow, and then my LAST day of clinicals on Thursday. Yay!

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