The journey of a new nurse, an amateur photographer, and a youth pastor’s wife.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Welp, I passed NCLEX. I am an official RN. It feels strange. It's time to start saving lives. ;0) I am really liking the unit I am on; I just don't feel like a real nurse yet. I wonder when that feeling will come. There is still so much I haven't done. LIke page/call doctors. I've only had to page a doctor once, and I ended up talking to a resident, and she was really nice to me :). Anyway, the thought of talking to a doctor scares me still.

We were in Colorado last week. We went to visit Brad's grandmother. Brad parent's flew with us and Monica's family met us there. We had a lot of fun, and got to go up to the mountains for a couple of days. We went to the lake that Brad and his grandparents would go for summer vacations. It was neat seeing all the places that were special to him. We got a lot of amazing pictures. I'll try to post them soom.

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