The journey of a new nurse, an amateur photographer, and a youth pastor’s wife.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Work Update and a Broken Nose

My days at work have been getting better. Thank goodness! My days still fly by. I don't know how to explain it. I'm just in a constant busy state..and I'm constantly running out of time. And before I know it, its 6:00 and I'm scrambling to get my stuff done before shift change.

My patience was tested today and yesterday. I have had a patient who is constantly telling me that the Dr. has ordered certain medications/procedures, and I check the orders, and tell her that no, the MD didn't order that. Then she absolutely insists upon me calling the doctor, because he has "surely made a mistake" and he is a resident, and residents don't know any thing. I called the doctor (bless his heart- he was very nice and understanding) on 4 separate occasions about 4 different things. It was beyond ridiculous. That is the only way I can explain it.

I think I broke my nose. Yes. Brad and I were playing basketball with our high school students on Wednesday, and Brad and I went after the ball at the same time. Brad rose up with the ball and his head met my nose. I heard it pop. I'm not sure if that means it fractured...but it is (still ) swollen and a little bruised. It's so sore! I don't really want a xray because I know they won't do anything for it unless it needs to be reset...and i don't think it is crooked or least I hope not.

1 comment:

Marlow said...

I feel the exact same way! It seems that the older I get, the quicker time moves. It's like I blink, and a week has passed!