The journey of a new nurse, an amateur photographer, and a youth pastor’s wife.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Graduation is scary. Very scary. Beyond the aspect of accidentally killing someone, it is scary to think about where I will work and why I want to work there. Will I like it? Am I settling for something less than what I really want? For about a year now I have said I was hoping to start out in an ICU. Here are the questions I am now asking myself.

1.) Why do I really want to start out in the ICU? I think ICU interests me because I know I will learn how to stabilize patients and I will (hopefully) learn how to keep them stable. I guess I feel like that will make me feel confident in my nursing abilities...kind of like I can handle more.

2.) Why do I need to feel that confidence? Because I'm afraid of the feeling that my own lack of knowledge harmed someone.

3.) Will I be disappointed if I don't get an ICU position? Yes. I think. Maybe? I don't really know.

4.) If I don't start out in ICU, will I want to work there eventually? I don't think so...but perhaps?

5.Where else do I eventually want to work? I can definitely see myself in an ED somewhere. I would also like to eventually try out Labor and Delivery! :) yay babies!

6.) Days or Nights? Daaaaays! please, please days!! Nights and I don't function well together!

Sooo... i have an interview TOMORROW on a step down unit! I don't know exactly how i feel about it yet! Kind of excited about the possibility of having a job, but kind of bummed that it's not my ideal starting point. I don't know if I should take this job while it is available...or hold out for a better one.

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