The journey of a new nurse, an amateur photographer, and a youth pastor’s wife.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

5 Random Things You May/May Not Care About

1. Once I get more time…I think I will begin my quest as a hard-core couponer.

2. Thanks to the Newlywed Nine (x 2-yikes!) my rings need to be resized! When I wake up my fingers are extra swollen, and I can feel my pulse in my ring finger. Is that normal?

3. I have officially accepted a RN position on 3400 at JCMC. :)

4. Babysitting precious babies makes me want babies.

5. I found out that the GPA that determines if you graduate with honors doesn’t include your last semester. I was right at the lowest GPA for honors, so I was thinking I would have to make an A in my classes this last semester to still graduate with honors. HA! Now it doesn’t matter (as long as I still graduate, of course)! That’s what you call under-achieving while still over-achieving!!!

1 comment:

Tori Clements said...

I guess you figured it out! And no worries, even though it doesn't say I'm following you, I am. But I follow on Google Reader because that's how I rollllll.

My GPA is honors worthy too so now I don't even have to worry too much about this semester! So wonderful!

I'm super excited that you're blogging!